Our Vision

The Vision of The Ridge Fellowship is:

To SHOW Christ to our World


  • What if?  What if the whole world knew Christ?  Would it be different?

Would your family be different if they knew Christ?

 Would your workplace be different if they knew Christ?

 Would your neighborhood be different if everyone knew Christ?

 Would our community be different if everyone knew Christ?

 Would our state be different if everyone knew Christ?

 Would our nation be different with all its problems if everyone knew Christ?

  •  We believe that Christ is the answer for the world. 

 Christ is the answer for your world, your home, your workplace, your neighborhood and your community.

We envision a better world as we SHOW Christ to our world.

Together we can SHOW Christ to our World, one person at a time.



About dkoop

Lead Pastor of Upwards Church: Leander & Jarrell, TX
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